CANNABIS SATIVA: The Uses and Effects of Use

Cannabis sativa is a plant that contains THC, a chemical compound believed to be responsible for the psychoactive effects that lead to the consumer being high. The dried cannabis leaves and flowers known as marijuana and the resinous secretions or hashish can be smoked or eaten in cookies, brownies, and gummies. The fiber from the cannabis plant, majorly known as hemp, is used in the textile industry. Below are the uses and effects of cannabis sativa.


Medical uses

Even though cannabis remains a controlled and illegal substance in many states, some states have embraced its medicinal uses and even set up marijuana dispensaries prescribed patients can get treatment. Currently, the medical use of cannabis as a good pain and muscle stiffness reliever has been proven effective through its effects on conditions like epilepsyand irritable bowel syndrome is yet to be proven effective. Research has shown that cannabis effectively improves short-term sleeping conditions associated with sleep apnea, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain.

There is still a need for further research to prove the effectiveness of cannabis in the treatment of chronic diseases like schizophrenia, cancers, Huntington’s disease, dystonia, and drug abuse. Many medical uses of cannabis have moderate or insufficient evidence to prove that it is effective in treatment. Medical marijuana is a tablet, oil, vaporized liquid, or as bud for smoking.

Industrial uses

Hemp is a byproduct of the cannabis plant fiber that has gained popularity in the textile industry. Hemp was industrialized in the early 1600s when people pressed hemp seeds to remove oil used to make paints, ink, lamp oil, and varnishes. It also produced ropes, grain bags, clothing, and car covers. The introduction of cotton later obstructed the production of the industry.

In the current industries, hemp is used to make clothes, shoes, paper building materials, and tarps. Cannabis seeds are used to make oil used in producing soaps, beauty products, moisturizers, and food supplements. The growth of cannabis is majorly done under controlled production where only specified people are allowed to grow the plant.

Effects of using cannabis

1. Clinical depression.

As much as people smoke pot to get high, many feel anxious, panicked, and paranoid. Such after-effects raise the chances of clinical depression and worsen any mental disorder you may have.

2. Clouding your thinking

Marijuana clouds your thinking and judgment depending on how potent your pot is, how much marijuana you have used in the past, and how you took it. It may affect your motor skills, making driving dangerous, and color may seem brighter. You may lose track of time and lower your inhibitions.

3. Impairing your brain

Though this short-term effect usually lasts 24 hours after smoking, it may significantly affect how you focus and remember things. Continuous smoking may lead to physical changes in the brain.

4. Breathing problems

Smoking marijuana can have lung problems similar to a person who smokes cigarettes.

Though marijuana has positive uses, many states have banned its production due to its adverse effects on users, especially youth.

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