What Is a Full-Spectrum CBD?

CBD-based products have definitely found their place in wellness and beauty. Nevertheless, some subtleties still remain confusing.  Among these, the concept of “Full-Spectrum” is regularly at the center of questions asked by consumers.  The terminology on CBD labels leads to questions about the meaning of “Full-Spectrum” and its differences with other CBD products on the market, especially CBD isolate. What is a full-spectrum CBD?


For the uninitiated, questions related to the spectrum may seem complex. To clarify the subject, we must talk about hemp, the plant from which cannabidiol is derived. Hemp contains a large quantity of active molecules with recognized therapeutic properties. These are cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. But what are these molecules? What are their effects?

  • Cannabinoids: there are more than a hundred of them in hemp, of which the best known are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These two molecules have therapeutic properties that are currently being studied by the pharmaceutical industry. Attention, the legislation imposes a maximum rate of THC in the products, which can vary according to the countries.
  • Terpenes: these are the molecules that give hemp its flavors and scents, and that also have therapeutic properties, like some plants used to make essential oils, such as lavender. There are more than 150 terpenes.
  • Flavonoids: these molecules are present in many plants. They are found in cannabis, but also in fruits, cereals, and vegetables. Flavonoids have recognized therapeutic properties (anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective).

We talk about CBD full-spectrum when the finished product contains all the active molecules coming from the hemp, therefore the cannabinoids of which the CBD and the THC, the terpenes, and finally the flavonoïdes.

What are Full-Spectrum CBD products?

We have seen that a full-spectrum CBD product contains all the active molecules of hemp. But what are these products?

CBD oils and CBD e-liquids

  • CBD flowers: CBD flowers, although it is never indicated, are by definition full-spectrum products. Indeed, hemp flowers are with the leaves the parts of the plant that contain the most cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.
  • CBD resin: CBD resin is part of the family of hemp concentrates. Indeed, it is a question of separating the active molecules of the hemp which cover the leaves and the flowers, and of compressing the matter obtained. This product contains all the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids of cannabis.

CBD Full-Spectrum Oil

  • CBD oil full spectrum: you will find on the market CBD oils full spectrum, which contains all the molecules extracted from hemp. These oils are generally more effective than “broad spectrum” or “isolate” oils.

When you buy a full-spectrum product that contains THC, it is very important to check that the level displayed respects the legislative framework of your country of residence.

Advantage of Full-Spectrum CBD: THE ENTOURAGE EFFECT

Why consume CBD full-spectrum products? You surely know that cannabidiol is a molecule that has in itself recognized therapeutic virtues because it has relaxing, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. But several scientific studies tend to show that CBD is much more effective when it is accompanied by other compounds (cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids) from hemp.

These different molecules interact with each other and create what is called the entourage effect. To illustrate this effect, you should know for example that the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CBD are amplified by the presence of THC, even in very small quantities.

You will have understood it, if you look for a product of optimal quality, you will have to opt for a product CBD with a complete spectrum. Be careful though, as these products contain THC. Some people may be sensitive to this cannabinoid, which has a psychotropic effect. In this case, they will have to turn to broad-spectrum CBD products.

The legislation varies from country to country. For example, CBD products in Switzerland can have a maximum THC content of 1%. The United States regulates that all products sold including full-spectrum CBDs must contain less than a certain level of THC. To ascertain if the THC in a CBD product is below the legal limit,  make sure the CBD Vendor is a reputable one. You can do this by asking for a copy of their COA report. This is a third-party lab testing that shows the level of each cannabinoid in the product, including if the level of THC is acceptable. If it is the case, then full-spectrum products are completely legal in the United States.

So be careful when you buy to check that the products you order respect the legislative framework of your country.


Full-Spectrum CBD provides the maximum number of cannabinoids include rare cannabinoids such as Cannabigerol and Cannabinol. But it also contains THC, so it is important to check local area laws regarding acceptable THC levels. In the USA, that is less than  0.3% THC. If you want no THC in your CBD Oil, use a CBD Isolate.

Was What Is a Full-Spectrum CBD useful? You may also like exploring the Benefits of CBD and reading about the individual cannabinoids. Rare cannabinoids such as CBNand CBG are usually only found in full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD

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